Woji church forest now has walls. In 2013, the local people worked with their priests to make a conservation wall around this forest. TREE Foundation made a donation to the church to thank them for their stewardship. Alemayehu provides this update: The last three days I was
Read more →Church Forests of Ethiopia The highlands of Northern Ethiopia have suffered from intense deforestation for decades (Wassie et al., 2010). What little indigenous forest remains persists in “church forests”: small forests encircling the thousands of Ethiopian Orthodox churches spread throughout the countryside. Church forests are sacred places
Read more →Below is an update from Alemayehu on the Mosha church forest in Ethiopia: Mosha is a 7 ha forest which was surrounded by degraded grazing land. For the last years the degradation level of the surrounding land has become more serious and the grazing effect has been
Read more →Below is an update from Alemayehu on the Woji church forest in Ethiopia: After long discussion with the community finally the new boundary has been defined and agreed. As you may see in the picture the blue paint on the tree shows the new boundary mark of
Read more →Church Forest Preview from Greg Vander Veer on Vimeo. Church Forest reveals a mystical world where priests and scientists struggle to come together, despite vastly different beliefs, to save the last forests of Northern Ethiopia. Through stunning religious ceremonies, humorous moments with eccentric scientists, revealing macro-photography, and
Read more →Lyndia Ball captured these stunning images while with Dr. Lowman in Ethiopia working to save the church forests. CanopyMeg and TREE Foundation are working to conserve the Church Forests of Ethiopia. Find out more and how you can help.
Read more →Thanks to generous contributions from our global forest fans, TREE Foundation has leveraged our conservation programs in Ethiopia from 2 protected forests to nearly 25 forests where stone walls defining the perimeters are funded and under construction. The church leaders have expressed their appreciation, and also their
Read more →This article from the December 2010 issue of The Tablet is about the Ethiopian Church Forests:
Read more →Dr. Alemayehu Wassie Eshete (Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia) writes: Meg was here from Jan7-13/2012. She arrived Monday Jan 7 and made an excursion on Lake Tana to show some preliminary cultural settings of Ethiopia to the three american students. Jan 8 she had to show
Read more →CONSERVE A CHURCH FOREST! This unique opportunity not only reduces your carbon footprint, but also saves biodiversity, fresh water, natural medicines, pollinators, and insures the future spiritual heritage of an African nation. Ethiopia is not only the home of the origin of humankind but also the world’s
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