Canopy Walkways Provide Treetop Access for International Bio-Blitz in Malaysia In October 2017, canopy pioneer Meg Lowman and the Habitat Foundation brought together an international group of scientists to search for life, high and low, on Penang Hill in Malaysia. Credits Music: Fleslit, In my Place Filming:
Read more →From A top-to-bottom “BioBlitz” survey uncovered likely new species, including a ghost scorpion, iridescent fly, bacterium, and multiple water bears. Conducting nature surveys can be grueling, often frustrating work. In forest landscapes, the efforts may necessitate scaling towering trees and, on the ground, turning over 100
Read more →From For the first time ever, scientists have surveyed the rainforest of Penang Hill comprehensively. The 130-million-year old forest is believed to have never been cut before and has remained largely unexplored. Among the exciting discoveries is a potentially new species of “ghost” scorpion, and numerous
Read more →From GEORGE TOWN: Penang Hill will be designated a Unesco reserve in the next few years, thanks to a joint effort by Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), an American biological expert and the owners of an eco-tourism attraction there. Leading the team is USM Biology School senior
Read more →10/26/2017 Update by Candace Miller during the Penang Hill BioBlitz 2017: Student Argonaut Hannah Heaster is from Salem, West Virgnia and is a student in Doddridge County Schools. She shared her journal entry from the second week of the Penang Hill BioBlitz, when the team joined entomologist
Read more →10/26/2017 Update by Tabitha Jones during the Penang Hill BioBlitz 2017: Teacher Argonaut Tabitha Jones is from Pennsboro, West Virginia and teaches in Doddridge County Schools. She shared her journal entry from the second week of the Penang Hill BioBlitz in which she recounts her change in
Read more →From Since receiving his forestry degree from Alemaya University of Agriculture in 1992, Wassie has been working to save, restore and expand Ethiopia’s rapidly shrinking church forests. He served as forestry expert at the Ethiopian Ministry of Natural Resources and worked with several nongovernmental organizations before
Read more →10/22/2017 Update by Candace Miller during the Penang Hill BioBlitz 2017: Teacher Argonaut Candace Miller is from Brooklyn, New York. She shared her journal entry from the first week of the Penang Hill BioBlitz in which she recounts her experiences birding, stargazing, surveying ants, and searching for
Read more →10/22/2017 Update by Brittany Mason & Sharon Snider during the Penang Hill BioBlitz 2017: Teacher Argonauts Brittany Mason and Sharon Snider are from Wetzel County Schools in West Virginia. They shared a journal entry from their day surveying the rainforest with the arthropod team. After arriving at
Read more →10/22/2017 Update by Travis McCoy during the Penang Hill BioBlitz 2017: Student Argonaut Travis McCoy is from Littleton, West Virginia. He shared his journal entry documenting his experience working with the mosquito survey team. Today when I arrived at base camp I learned that I was going
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