TREE Funds New Church Wall in Ethiopia

Kidist Aresema Monastary of women priests
TREE Foundation continues to fund the building of walls in Ethiopia to protect the last remaining forests of that country. This work is directed by TREE Foundation Board Member Dr. Alemayehu Wassie Eshete, the CEO of ORDA (Organization for Restoration of Degraded Areas) in northern Ethiopia. HeRead more

TREE Foundation’s Malaysian Walkway Officially Named a UNESCO World Heritage Site

On September 22, 2021 Executive Director Meg Lowman was interviewed by SRQ Magazine about TREE Foundation’s Malaysian Walkway being officially named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Pictured is the Penang Hill Biosphere Reserve in Penang Island, Malaysia. Here is a sneak peek into the article: “Dr. Meg

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Pygmy Sloths are Cute, Sustainable, and At Risk.

“You can’t save an animal you know nothing about.” — Diorene Smith While we all may have to be isolating a bit longer until the vaccine becomes available to everyone, we can at least read about this fascinating and adorable case of “The Island Rule”.  Bradypus pygmaeus,

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