From GEORGE TOWN: Penang Hill will be designated a Unesco reserve in the next few years, thanks to a joint effort by Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), an American biological expert and the owners of an eco-tourism attraction there. Leading the team is USM Biology School senior
Read more →Dr. Meg Lowman and JASON Argonauts will bring you live events, real time Q&A, photos, videos and more direct from the rainforest of Malaysia. Here are a few ways you can follow the action.
Read more →From The Washington Post: It is a cool world, in both senses. A hard-sand path winds into a hardwood hammock of live oak, and coconut and cabbage palms, arriving soon at one of the park’s most-advertised features: a 100-foot-long canopy walk, strung with wood and rope 25
Read more →The Habitat and Penang Hill – 2nd Symposium on the Study of Biodiversity at Pengang Hill Video by Michael Jordan, student at East Carolina University. BIO: My name is Michael Jordan and I have always been an avid outdoorsman. I’m a Photography/Videography major at the beautiful East
Read more →The NSF-REU project to inspire mobility-limited students to train for a career in field biology is in its fifth and final year. What a joy to see these students reach the sky, literally and figuratively! They not only learn canopy access methods, but they also become excellent
Read more →From The World Weekly: New research has now emerged showing that water bears have a novel way of preserving themselves through droughts, using a unique protein known as tardigrade-specific intrinsically disordered proteins (TDPs). When wet, TDPs are a jelly-like substance, but in drought conditions water bears curl
Read more →In Summer 2017, the REU Site at Colby College in Waterville, Maine will offer eight undergraduate students the chance to conduct path-breaking interdisciplinary research on the ecological, economic and cultural roles of church forests in Amhara, Ethiopia. During the 8-week program (June 12-August 9), students will train
Read more →Rebecca Tripp is a student who studied with Dr. Meg Lowman’s National Science Foundation grant for undergraduate students, where mobility-limited students were trained to climb trees and sample micro-arthropods. Rebecca was part of a summer team who discovered 8 new species in the trees of Kansas, and
Read more →From the Science of The Total Environment, Volumes 551–552, 1 May 2016, Pages 404–414: Abstract: In the central and northern highlands of Ethiopia, native forest and forest biodiversity is almost confined to sacred groves associated with churches. Local communities rely on these ‘church forests’ for essential ecosystem
Read more →In the Canopy with Water Bears and Wheelchairs June 1 – August 9, 2016 with W.R. Millerand, PI and M. D. Lowman, Co-PI Want A Different Research Experience? Want new skills, new challenges, a bit of adventure, and an opportunity to publish your research? NSF: REU: Research
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