Applications are now being accepted for students to participate in the Summer 2016 NSF site-based REU program at Colby College and in South Gondar, Ethiopia. We are now accepting applications for a NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program based at Colby College and South Gondar, Ethiopia.
Read more →This Canopy Walkway is located just outside of Sarasota, FL in Myakka River State Park. The walkway is suspended 25 feet above the ground and extends 85 feet through the hammock canopy. A tower soars 74 feet in the air to present a spectacular view of treetops,
Read more →The Wise Man Built His House…Among the Trees Klaus DeBoer, Sterling College, Craftsbury Common, VT Summer 2015 REU Site: Undergraduate Research into the Cultural, Economic and Ecological Significance of Church Forests in South Gondar, Ethiopia ( Earlier this year, I applied for a National Science Foundation Research
Read more →Godi Godar and Go Conscious Earth have spent much of the last couple years working to protect pristine rainforest on Lac Tumba in the Democratic Republic of Congo. With the incredible support from people like you, we have saved one million acres! Now we need to help
Read more →Below Travis Reynolds announces that applications are now being accepted for students to participate in an NSF site-based REU program at Colby College and in South Gondar, Ethiopia. We are now accepting applications for a NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program based at Colby College and
Read more →A video news story on Dr. Meg Lowman’s Waterbears and Wheelchairs program featuring student Rebecca Tripp. This was filmed during the Academy’s first public climb in the East Garden earlier this month. KPIX (CBS 5) August 20, 2014
Read more →From Student Science’s Eureka Lab: Rebecca Tripp speaks about her research with real passion, emotion that goes far beyond the fascinating organisms she studies. When she talks about her research with tardigrades, tiny, eight-legged creatures that she collected from the tops of trees, she doesn’t just talk
Read more →NSF REU co-speaker Rebecca Tripp’s article “In My Nature” has been published in the Dec/Jan 2013/2014 issue of Ability Magazine: Growing up on the rugged coast of Maine, with mountains, fields, forests and wildlife around every turn, I developed a deep love of the natural world at
Read more →Below is an interview with Rebecca Tripp discussing how she became a canopy biologist from a wheelchair. She talks about the summer research program she participated in with the REU Canopy Explorers. Read more and listen to the podcast on Show run time is 35 minutes.
Read more →NSF: REU In the Canopy with Water Bears and Wheelchairs June 1 – August 9, 2014 with W.R. Miller, M. D. Lowman and E. McCord, PIs. Want A Different Research Experience? Want new skills, new challenges, a bit of adventure, and an opportunity to publish your research? NSF:
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