TREE Foundation’s Malaysian Walkway Officially Named a UNESCO World Heritage Site

On September 22, 2021 Executive Director Meg Lowman was interviewed by SRQ Magazine about TREE Foundation’s Malaysian Walkway being officially named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Pictured is the Penang Hill Biosphere Reserve in Penang Island, Malaysia. Here is a sneak peek into the article: “Dr. Meg

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CanopyMeg leads a guided walk to Myakka Canopy Walkway for local families

Local families from Sarasota-Manatee VillageLearners enjoyed a guided walk to the Canopy Walkway at Myakka River State Park led by Dr. Margaret “CanopyMeg” Lowman, Executive Director of TREE Foundation. The children and their families learned about the history and importance of canopy walkways, similar projects around the

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