Dear TREE Lovers Everywhere! We never need to distance ourselves from the amazing trees on our planet … and trees and forests support us, so please support them through the 2020 Giving Challenge. Donate Now The TREE Foundation is appealing to you for your donations during the
Read more →Announcement for the 8th International Canopy Conference “Roles of the forest canopy in a changing world” 24th – 27th October 2020 Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences The International Canopy Conference is held every four years and aims to showcase the latest studies and
Read more →“Margaret Lowman aka ‘Canopy Meg’ has dedicated a lifetime of pioneering research into the hidden ecosystems of forest canopies found all over our home planet. As these imperiled marvels of nature enter an increasingly fragile state of balance, Meg is working to save Earth’s forests and conserve
Read more →Local families from Sarasota-Manatee VillageLearners enjoyed a guided walk to the Canopy Walkway at Myakka River State Park led by Dr. Margaret “CanopyMeg” Lowman, Executive Director of TREE Foundation. The children and their families learned about the history and importance of canopy walkways, similar projects around the
Read more →via Vermont Institute of Natural Science: Save the Date! You are cordially invited to the Forest Canopy Walk Launch Party Saturday, September 28 VINS Nature Center 5:00pm – 7:00pm Keynote Speaker Dr. Meg Lowman, Forest Canopy Biologist Grand Tour of Our New Exhibit Forest Canopy Walk LEARN
Read more →Topic: A Treetop View of the World’s Forests Description: Join us for a webinar with Dr. Meg Lowman, a world-renowned tree canopy expert and forest conservation scientist. “Canopy Meg” will provide a treetop view of the health of the world’s forests over her storied 30-year career. Learn
Read more →TREE Foundation is proud to celebrate World Rainforest Day on June 22nd. One way you can celebrate WRD is to donate to TREE’s rain forest research, education and exploration activities by using the button below. (For other methods of payment see our donation page.) Why are rainforests
Read more →The canopy of the tropical rain forest is one of the most biodiverse, and threatened, ecosystems on the planet. But we can’t save what we don’t know. The difficulty of climbing into the forest canopy is the #1 factor limiting our ability to learn about, and conserve,
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