TREE Foundation and the 2020 Giving Challenge

Dear TREE Lovers Everywhere! We never need to distance ourselves from the amazing trees on our planet … and trees and forests support us, so please support them through the 2020 Giving Challenge. Donate Now The TREE Foundation is appealing to you for your donations during the

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CanopyMeg leads a guided walk to Myakka Canopy Walkway for local families

Local families from Sarasota-Manatee VillageLearners enjoyed a guided walk to the Canopy Walkway at Myakka River State Park led by Dr. Margaret “CanopyMeg” Lowman, Executive Director of TREE Foundation. The children and their families learned about the history and importance of canopy walkways, similar projects around the

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World Rainforest Day 2019

World Rainforest Day 2019

TREE Foundation is proud to celebrate World Rainforest Day on June 22nd. One way you can celebrate WRD is to donate to TREE’s rain forest research, education and exploration activities by using the button below. (For other methods of payment see our donation page.) Why are rainforests

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Discovering the Canopy – Colombia 2019

meg on canopy walkway

The canopy of the tropical rain forest is one of the most biodiverse, and threatened, ecosystems on the planet. But we can’t save what we don’t know. The difficulty of climbing into the forest canopy is the #1 factor limiting our ability to learn about, and conserve,

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