Dear Dr. Water Bear – Pronunciation

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Kennedy writes: Hi Dr. Water Bear! Our puppet company, PuppeTyranny, is about to produce a full length play called “Water Bears in Space” all about…you guessed it, tardigrades and tardigradologists! I was hoping you could assure me that we are pronouncing all our water bear words correctly!

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Dear Dr. Water Bear – Cryptobiosis

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Question from Chuck & Ginny: Could you please explain cryptobiosis? Also, compared to a copepod, how big are Water Bears? Answer from Dr. Water Bear: Cryptobiosis is the process in which water bears can survive pretty much anything. They basically expel all the water from their bodies

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Dear Dr. Water Bear

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Dear Dr. Water Bear answers your questions about Water Bears (Tardigrades). Send your questions to: Questions and answers will be posted to the Dear Dr. Water Bear category of the TREE Foundation blog.

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