Balancing Economy and Ecology in Brazil

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by Meika Jensen Brazil is home to the Amazon rain forest, a unique ecological expanse that makes up close to 30 percent of the Earth’s remaining tropical rain forests and provides habitat for thousands of native plant and animal species. Unfortunately, over the past 40 years,  20

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Tree Climbing for Adults: Natural High (WSJ)

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From The Wall Street Journal: Tree climbing is no longer kids’ stuff. With the right equipment and training, a killer view (and workout) can be yours. … “Rec” tree climbing has its heroes, like Peter “Treeman” Jenkins and his wife, Patty, who established Tree Climbers International, the

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Inspired by life in the treetops (

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From The Charlotte Observer: Margaret Lowman is part Jungle Jane and part mom next door. School kids call her Canopy Meg. She’s an internationally renowned tropical ecologist who has studied forest canopies on five continents. She is also director of the new $56 million Nature Research Center

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