The 2013 Tree Climbers Rendezvous – You’re Invited!

Meg giving an evening presentation at 2008 Tree Climbers Rendezvous

Host: Tree Climbers International®, Inc. (TCI), the world’s first school and organization for recreational tree climbing. Dates: October 9-14, 2013 Location: Simpsonwood Conference Center, Norcross, Georgia (just outside Atlanta) The Tree Climbers “Rendezvous” is an annual gathering. Most years, participants are primarily recreational climbers who come for

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Tree Climbing Training for Researchers

Tree Climbing Planet

Tree Climbing Planet Overview Tree Climbing Planet offers a variety of courses and adventures focusing on technical tree climbing techniques to explore our planet’s rooftop. Our distinctive courses provide participants with in-depth, hands-on learning skills that deliver the confidence needed to go out and climb wild trees

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Tree Climbing for Adults: Natural High (WSJ)

TREE Foundation logo

From The Wall Street Journal: Tree climbing is no longer kids’ stuff. With the right equipment and training, a killer view (and workout) can be yours. … “Rec” tree climbing has its heroes, like Peter “Treeman” Jenkins and his wife, Patty, who established Tree Climbers International, the

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2010 Japan Tree Climbing Championship

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The unofficial but sanctioned 2010 JTCC report: The 2010 Japan Tree Climbing Championship was a tremendous success! IIDA City was a great host city. The climbing and level of technique and skills of climbers were superb and the support of sponsors, judges, technical staff was wonderful. The

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