The unofficial but sanctioned 2010 JTCC report:
The 2010 Japan Tree Climbing Championship was a tremendous success!
IIDA City was a great host city. The climbing and level of technique and skills of climbers were superb and the support of sponsors, judges, technical staff was wonderful. The news coverage and media support was fantastic. 6 major newspapers covered the event as well as TV and radio support plus news coverage. Over 47 volunteers and total of almost 300 spectators and participants for two days it was a huge success.
The Vice-Mayor of IIDA attended the Championships as did politicians and Mr. Hayashi the Head of the Hanin Foresty Cooperation. The Prizes offered from our Sponsor were a big hit. Each prize included an explanation and brought cheers from spectators and Climbers.
The Japan Tree Climbing Championships were organized and produced by Dr. John Gathright Chubu University and Founder of Tree Climbing Japan and ISA Liaison. The Championships were presented by Tree Climbing Japan with special support from ISA and ITCC.
The Championships would not have been possible without the help and dedication of the Tree Climbing Japan and JAA-ATT head trainers and Judges, volunteers and support staff. We are grateful to all 47 volunteers for your help and support. Mr. Goto was our professional tree top video camera man and Mr. Ogiso was responsible for the posters and printed materials. Mr. Ando translation of ISA ITCC rules and Summary’s was much appreciated
Mr. Hara the president of Bungobayashi Landscape and his team not only negotiated the use of the park but spent countless hours and effort of tree work, landscaping and beautification so that the park was much more beautiful and safe after the Tree Climbing Championship. IIDA city is very grateful for beautiful park and recommend us to other city but also would like us do championship in IIDA for 2011.
Mr. Hideki Kawajiri offered his time and expertise as the Head Judge and Assistant to Overall Head Judge and ISA Liaison Dr. John Gathright. The judges. Mr. Watanabe, Mr. Morita, Mr. Ando, Mr. Nobuhara and the JAA-ATT members also gave hours and hours of their time for judging and set up.
The Championship squedual was organized for introduction of ISA and explanation of ITCC rules and regulations. There were also special CEU classes done by Dr. John Gathright on Safety positioning and Hazard trees with assistance from Hideki Kawajiri. Mr. Kawajiri is expert on trees and fungi gave a very informational and interesting speech on Ancient trees, and Tree Culture as well. This is total for 6 CEU’s.
The Championship was collage of traditions and culture, climbing techniques and fun. The Championship was great venue for an international exchange of ideas techniques and worldwide vision for arboriculture.
The Tree Climbing Championship as included some exciting traditional Japanese ceremonies as well as ISA and ITCC rules, regulations and introduction. The Special letter from ISA Jim Skiera and Derek Vannice were also translate and read at the opening and appreciated by everyone.
Special to Japan was a Purification and Respect to the Trees and Nature Gods to protect the climbers. Mr. Hara also arrange to have a Troupe of SHISHIMAE Japanese Traditional Dragon/Lion dancing bless the Championships and bite the heads of the Organizers.
A special Rescue demo was also included to explain how ISA stresses safety for trees and people. Rescue in the Trees is not taught in Japan and was of great interest to all. GRCS was also very interesting and lots of inquiry after demo. We are positive about testing results of this product.
The 2010 Champion of the Master Climb was last year’s champion Mr. Takahashi second place was Mr. Ujita . Mr. Ujita had the top score and a considerable lead for all of the preliminary events but placed second in the Masters. He will be attending the 2010 ITCC in Chicago with Mr. Takahashi this year as assistant to Dr. John Gathright.
All of the Climbers and Organizers will be taking a rest for a few days before the official website and Video will be produced and distributed to Climbers.
Will there be a JTCC in 2011? We sure hope so! Rumor has it that Dr. John is strongly considering it and that there a few cities that have offered their parks. The unofficial guess is that there will be so everyone please start early to get ready for 2011 JTCC. Mr. Takahashi don’t rest easy because there are many hungry and talented climbers ready for the next challenge.
Oh By the Way the area where the Championship was held will be re-named the “TREE CLIMBING PARK” by the City of IIDA to honor Tree Climbing Japan and all of the members. Thank you very much for all of your efforts.
For photos and details from the event, view this PDF.