Is Our Future in the Treetops?

While some park officials, hoping to compete with video games and iPods, recommend fighting electronics with electronics, Canopy Meg offers a different approach, a more direct route to our roots–or, rather, to our branches: Canopy Walkways. In this article author, Richard Louv, talks about the importance of

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Put the Muse Back in Museums

California Academy of Sciences

Article written by Dr. Lowman in the Scientific American (SA Forum): Science museums should recruit the public in confronting the planet’s toughest challenges. When I was in graduate school studying ecology during the 1980s, we all shared a conviction to make the world a better place. Oh,

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Botanist Margaret Lowman urges children to muddy their boots

Article from The Sydney Morning Herald: Unlike other botanists who plant their feet in the dirt, Dr Margaret Lowman pursues high adventure. The so-called ‘‘mother of canopy research’’ has designed walkways and hot-air balloons for the purpose, becoming a legend in the process – another of her

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Let Your Kids Get Muddy Once in a While

“To me, a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.” –Helen Keller As a child, I loved the natural world. Maybe it had something to do with growing up in a small town in upstate New York

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