Name me! Starting at a bid of $10,000, TREE is auctioning off the naming rights for this bark beetle! These funds will go directly toward saving the last remaining fragments of forest in Ethiopia, which have an estimated 5-10 years before extinction. Join TREE Foundation in conserving global forests, starting now! Present the unique holiday gift — a forever-legacy of naming an insect after your loved one or company! And there will be more to come, as we uncover new species in the church forests of Ethiopia and elsewhere.
UPDATE 12/28/2011: The naming opportunity for our new species of bark beetle (Cyclorhipidion “Your Name Here”) was “sold” for a five-figure sum to a couple who believe strongly in global forest conversation efforts.
Thanks to them, the remaining forests of Ethiopia will gain new expanses of stone walls to safeguard all the ecosystem services derived from these forests: native seed sources, honey medicines, freshwater springs, shade, soil conservation, biodiversity, spiritual sanctuary for millions of Christian Orthodox or Coptic followers in Ethiopia.
Stay tuned, as TREE Foundation works with entomologists around the world to process our collections, earmark the new species, and “auction” the naming rights in exchange for saving critical habitat.
A big TREE-hug to: Betsy Cole for drawing the beetle, Jiri Hulcr for his classification efforts, and Andrea Lucky for finding it!
UPDATE 2/10/2012: New image of the Bark Beetle below (click for larger image):