Wheelchairs and Waterbears

The NSF-REU project to inspire mobility-limited students to train for a career in field biology is in its fifth and final year. What a joy to see these students reach the sky, literally and figuratively! They not only learn canopy access methods, but they also become excellent

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Summer 2017 REU program in Ethiopia – Now Accepting Applications

In Summer 2017, the REU Site at Colby College in Waterville, Maine will offer eight undergraduate students the chance to conduct path-breaking interdisciplinary research on the ecological, economic and cultural roles of church forests in Amhara, Ethiopia. During the 8-week program (June 12-August 9), students will train

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The Wise Man Built His House Among the Trees

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The Wise Man Built His House…Among the Trees Klaus DeBoer, Sterling College, Craftsbury Common, VT Summer 2015 REU Site: Undergraduate Research into the Cultural, Economic and Ecological Significance of Church Forests in South Gondar, Ethiopia (www.colby.edu/reu-in-ethiopia) Earlier this year, I applied for a National Science Foundation Research

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