Join us as we launch the 20th Anniversary of the Myakka Canopy Walkway with a series of “Tree Parties” (not tea-parties, but libations and hors d’oeuvres) hosted by Dr. Meg Lowman, creator of the Canopy Walkway, and Gerri Aaron, President of TREE Foundation Board.

The first of 4 tree-parties on environmental issues:

April 16th at Michael’s On East Wine Cellar
6 to 8 p.m.

Myakka Canopy Walkway Turns 20….Local Success Story Goes Global

Sponsorship Opportunities and Single Ticket Purchases

A message from TREE Board Member Mike Pender

The year 2020 will mark the 20th anniversary of the Myakka River State Park Canopy Walkway, which was created by the TREE Foundation, under the leadership of Dr. Meg Lowman. It was the first public treetop walk in North America and has since served as a prototype for other similar projects around the world. Locally, the Canopy has tripled the number of visitors to Myakka State Park and contributed significantly to Southwest Florida’s economic tourism base.

To celebrate the anniversary, TREE Foundation will host a series of “TREE-parties” (featuring libations stronger than tea!) over the next year leading up to the walkway’s 20th birthday. These small soirees will have limited ticketing and provide lively conversation, great food and drinks plus prominent speakers discussing important Florida environmental issues. The first one is scheduled on April 16 from 6 – 8 PM at Michael’s on East Wine Cellar and will feature our own CanopyMeg Lowman sharing the history of the Myakka walkway and how its construction has gone “viral” and is now replicated throughout the world. Thanks to our very own Myakka walkway, these structures now inspire forest conservation in many countries through the economic driver of ecotourism. Three subsequent TREE-parties will feature Carlton Ward, one of Florida’s best nature photographers; National Geographic’s Peter Hoolihan who is the world expert on Florida ghost orchids; and Richard Louv, famed author of Last Child in the Woods.

The Tree-parties will raise funds to expand environmental education programs at the walkway and for local schools. Please join us as a sponsor for the event and help us give back to our beloved Florida environment. The vibrancy of nature and the importance of Florida’s environment is directly linked to human health and our local economy, yet only a handful of non-profits are dedicated to this cause. Sponsorship opportunities and tickets are available by using this form. We hope you can support our endeavors to expand education and conservation of our forests and the wildlife dependent upon them.

We look forward to celebrating with you on April 16th. Thank you for your support.

Mike Pender
TREE Foundation Board Member