TREE continues to support efforts for a canopy walkway in Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park. Our contact for this potential walkway is American philanthropist and businessman Gregg Carr who was instrumental in rebuilding Gorongosa after it was impacted by nationwide conflict and negative ecological circumstances.
Mr. Carr has pledged to work with TREE Foundation to continue efforts to build a Gorongosa walkway so that the Park’s ecosystem can be further stabilized, drive ecotourism for the park, and foster economic sustainability for the citizens of Mozambique.
Earlier this year, Meg spoke with Mr. Carr to share her expertise in planning and developing canopy walkways. Based on their discussions, he applied for a USAID grant for funding the walkway in Gorongosa. Unfortunately, the grant wasn’t funded, but Mr. Carr continues to seek additional funding, and of course TREE will do everything we can to support these efforts in the coming year.