Photo courtesy of National Geographic/Carlton Ward. Jr.

The achingly beautiful photography of longtime TREE Foundation friend Carlton Ward, Jr. is featured in the current (April) issue of National Geographic Magazine. His topic? The Florida panther, and this mysterious and elusive big cat’s role in inspiring the conservation of the Florida Wildlife Corridor. The issue shares never-before-seen photographic “captures” by Carlton, with a compelling story by writer Douglas Main. Be sure to get your copy of the April National Geographic — should be out on newsstands this week and/or just click the image or link below to support National Geographic and read the story online.

Return of the Panther: How America’s most endangered cat could help save Florida

Photo of Carlton Ward, Jr., courtesy of Florida Wild website.

Carlton, the founder of Florida Wild and the Path of the Panther, has been working with a dedicated team for five years to produce the work highlighted in this article. The National Geographic spread also includes an important two-page map of the Florida Wildlife Corridor, which highlights the land Carlton and his team are working to conserve — to provide the endangered Florida panther with a path to recovery.

The Florida panther is the last big cat surviving in the eastern United States, and is the much-loved but much-endangered state animal of Florida, and an icon of Florida’s last wild places.

All of us at the TREE Foundation support Carlton and Path of the Panther in the critical work they are doing to protect the Florida panther and the land these precious creatures need to live in. We hope you’ll join us in visiting, liking, and following the Path of the Panther social media pages linked below.

Path of the Panther on Facebook

Path of the Panther on Instagram