Meg Lowman
Experience “life in the treetops” in this extraordinary live storytelling event by globe-traveling arbornaut Dr. Margaret (Canopy Meg) Lowman. Presented by Elmira College, this free event isn’t a lecture, it isn’t a webinar — it’s an hour-long, intimate talk by one of the world’s most foremost authorities on life in the “Eighth Continent” — aka forest canopies. Register now: Elmira College Presents CanopyMeg
“Canopy Meg” will speak about her discoveries of biodiversity in forest canopies, sharing her first climb in Australian rain forests in 1979 with a home-made slingshot and harness — an experience that launched her on a lifetime of canopy discovery and forest conservation.
Dr. Lowman, Executive Director and co-founder of the TREE Foundation, will take the audience on a global tour of forest canopy hotspots across the world, where she conducts long-term research and education programs. And, she’ll share her passion for her most recent effort — to conserve the last 5% of forests in northern Ethiopia.
Don’t miss this illuminating evening of storytelling about life in the “treetops” and discussion of what can be done to save and protect our planet’s most precious resource: trees! Click here to register to attend.