5/11/09 Update: This is the last call to organize a symposia at the 5th International Canopy Conference being organized by ATREE on “Forest canopies : Conservation, Climate change and Sustainable use†during 25th – 31st October 2009, Bangalore, India, The deadlines for organizing a symposium have been extended from 3rd April 2009 to 20th May 2009, and please find the guidelines on http://canopy2009.org/html/sub2.html
The call for abstracts is open for contributed oral and poster abstracts, and guidelines can be found on http://canopy2009.org/html/sub3.html and http://canopy2009.org/html/sub4.html respectively.
Social events at the conference include a Canopy Art exhibition, Canopy Photo and Film festival and public lectures along with other traditional events.
Please find more information on www.canopy2009.org, and forward this to your colleagues to make this conference a success.
2/16/09 Update: The theme for this conference is Forest Canopies: Conservation, Climate Change and Sustainable Use. The conference program will include keynote and plenary speakers on critical topics, invited and contributed scientific symposia, methods workshops, a student symposium, poster sessions, field trips, a film festival and traditional canopy social events
You can now visit www.canopy2009.org for more information and please forward to your colleagues. ATREE invites you to present your work at the conference. Your active participation will help meet global challenges and make this conference a success. Dr. Meg Lowman is co-chairing this international event.
5th International Canopy Conference 2009
Forest Canopies: Conservation, Climate Change, and Sustainable Use
October 25-31 2009 Bangalore INDIA
Forest canopies are the least explored habitats in the world. They not only support high terrestrial biodiversity, but also represent a critical interface between the atmosphere and the earth. Forest canopies also provide goods and services to support diverse human activities. Thus interactions between forests and humanity offer opportunities to explore sustainable use of such resources, particularly for sustaining local livelihoods. Sustainability is vital for environmental policies to foster conservation, sustainable use and mitigation/adaptation to climate change. This demands the integration of canopy science with physical science, social science and information technology.
The 5th international canopy conference in 2009 will bring diverse professionals together to build inter-disciplinary links in canopy science to foster increased understanding of this unique subset of forest ecosystems. ATREE (Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment) is the major supporting institution for the conference, with Convenors Dr. Soubadra Devy (soubadra@atree.org) and Dr. T. Ganesh (tganesh@atree.org). Dr. Kamal Bawa and Dr. Margaret Lowman will serve as co-chairs. The goal of the conference will be to highlight the respect to important global challenges, especially climate change, sustainability, and conservation. The conference will provide an opportunity to build networks across continents, to facilitate capacity-building, and to address issues requiring information from multiple sites, within countries and across continents. The proceedings of the conference will be published in an edited volume, with a subset of papers published as a special issue of an international journal. Special sessions will be held on: Education; Climate Change; Ecosystem Services and Sustainability Initiatives; Innovative Tools; and an Emerging Issues Round Table discussion.
Special features of the conference include:
- All-day field trip to view Indian forests and inspire discussion
- Canopy film festival (similar to the successful programs from the 1st conference)
- Canopy awards ceremony
- Student session
- Publiclecture to promote canopy education
- Opening Plenary talk by Thomas E. Lovejoy, President, H. John Heinz Center for Science, Economics and the Environment
Save these dates! A timeline leading up the conference will be:
- Call for symposia – January 2009
- Call for abstracts – March 2009
- Registration by 10 April 2009
- More information will be posted on www.atree.org
Please contact Soubadra or Ganesh (emails above) with suggestions for speakers that may represent new, unpublished, innovative canopy projects around the globe.