“Climb UP – How to Raise a Girl Scientist” – TEDx Livermore Talk by Dr. Meg Lowman

In this TEDx talk Dr. Lowman shares her journey as one of the pioneers of studying trees ‘where they live’ – in the canopy. Sharing her wisdom and humor in her pursuit of time management (balancing children and data), and setting trail for women scientists and global impact, this trail-blazing arbornaut informs and inspires as we work to meet the challenges of disappearing forests worldwide.

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CanopyMeg speaks to students in India about forests

Future canopy scientists of India? Through digital connectivity, CanopyMeg spoke to approximately 2000 students in India last night. Explorers and colleague Bhaskar Krishnamurthy master-minded a multiple school virtual assembly, and the students all lined up with questions about forests. Thrilling at both ends, and the kids asked

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