1000 TREES for 2010

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TREE Foundation is celebrating its 10th birthday in 2010, as well as the 10th anniversary of our flagship project, the Myakka River State Park canopy walkway. Over the past 10 years, thousands of visitors have learned about forest canopies by walking through the treetops, and hundreds of

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2010 Japan Tree Climbing Championship

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The unofficial but sanctioned 2010 JTCC report: The 2010 Japan Tree Climbing Championship was a tremendous success! IIDA City was a great host city. The climbing and level of technique and skills of climbers were superb and the support of sponsors, judges, technical staff was wonderful. The

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Amazon Rainforest Expedition: A Journal by Molly Welsh

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Below is Molly Welsh’s account of her trip to the Amazon Rainforest with Dr. Lowman while conducting a herbivory study for her Independent Study Project at New College of Florida: Amazon Rainforest Expedition: A Journal Molly Welsh, New College of Florida I traveled to the Amazon Rainforest

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Wild sloth killed by small spectacled owl in Panama

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Story on BBC News featuring Bryson Voirin, TREE’s student research associate: Researchers in Panama have found the first evidence of a sloth that has been killed by an owl. They found the body of a radio-collared three-toed sloth with lethal wounds that suggest it was hunted by

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January 2010 Amazon Trip Student Logs

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On January 20-28, 2010, students and families joined CanopyMeg for the Amazon Rainforest Workshop: The Ecology and Culture of the Amazon Jungle. Below are student logs from the trip. Jessa Baker-Moss writes: Our amazing trip to the Amazon taught me so many things. As a liberal arts

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