Berea College welcomes Dr. Lowman

From “Berea College welcomes the public and campus community to a convocation featuring Dr. Margaret Lowman, Director of Global Initiatives, and Lindsay Chair of Botany at the California Academy of Sciences, as she discusses the connection of canopy exploration and forest conservation.” The Convocation with Dr.

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Summer 2017 REU program in Ethiopia – Now Accepting Applications

In Summer 2017, the REU Site at Colby College in Waterville, Maine will offer eight undergraduate students the chance to conduct path-breaking interdisciplinary research on the ecological, economic and cultural roles of church forests in Amhara, Ethiopia. During the 8-week program (June 12-August 9), students will train

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Elephants in the coffee survey

via “As part of our ongoing work on the elephant-human relationship, we are conducting a small survey on the broader understanding of elephants in the world. We look forward to your input and help as we try to strengthen our work to nurture a peaceful coexistence

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JASON STEM Role Model Q&A with Meg Lowman

“Dr. ‘Canopy’ Meg Lowman is a Conservation Biologist at the California Academy of Sciences. She has been called the Mother of Canopy Research, and has spent her career exploring the biodiversity of the forest canopy and conserving the forests. She also designs and advises on canopy walks

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