Saving Elephants

Here is a short synopsis about the new documentary titled, “Elephants in the Coffee,” produced by Thomas Grant & D.K. Bhaskar: The 58-min documentary compelling documentary titled “Elephants in the Coffee”, speaks on the relationship of elephants and humans in the wilderness, in the agricultural lands of

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Wheelchairs and Waterbears

The NSF-REU project to inspire mobility-limited students to train for a career in field biology is in its fifth and final year. What a joy to see these students reach the sky, literally and figuratively! They not only learn canopy access methods, but they also become excellent

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Spotlight on SciComm: Meg Lowman

Alexa McKay, editor at Nature Communications, conducted brief Q&A interviews with scientists who have actively engaged in outreach and science communication. Alexa helped to coordinate a set of blog posts in honor of Earth Day and these posts can be found at the Nature Ecology and Evolution

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