TREE Foundation and the 2018 Giving Challenge

TREE Foundation is excited to be participating in the 2018 Giving Challenge! This is an amazing 24-hour giving event supporting more than 600 nonprofits serving Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte and DeSoto counties. On Tuesday, May 1 at noon through Wednesday, May 2, you can Be The One to

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Palm Oil and the Conscious Consumer

by Rebecca Tripp Most people wouldn’t knowingly support the decimation of some of the most endangered species on the planet, yet a large percentage of the population does just that with each visit to their local market. Found in approximately one-half of all consumer goods, palm oil

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USM team to help list Penang Hill as Unesco reserve

From GEORGE TOWN: Penang Hill will be designated a Unesco reserve in the next few years, thanks to a joint effort by Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), an American biological expert and the owners of an eco-tourism attraction there. Leading the team is USM Biology School senior

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Ethiopia’s Sacred Forests Are Shrinking

From Since receiving his forestry degree from Alemaya University of Agriculture in 1992, Wassie has been working to save, restore and expand Ethiopia’s rapidly shrinking church forests. He served as forestry expert at the Ethiopian Ministry of Natural Resources and worked with several nongovernmental organizations before

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